July 28 - August 4, 2012 - Prague, Czech Republic

Course description

Nationalism in the Balkans and Lessons Learnt for Europe

Facilitators: Zhidas Daskalovski, Marija Risteska (CRPM)

The goal of this workshop is to focus on nationalism in the Balkans and the lessons learned from the process of EU enlargement especially focusing on the normative implications of the conditionality principle on the elite discourse and policy making in the various countries of South-eastern Europe. Discussion will be held over particular case studies such as the Macedonian Ohrid Framework Agreement, and the problems in/of Kosovo. The public policy aspect of the seminar will be how to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the multi-ethnic states in the Western Balkans in light of the problematic future of the EU enlargement process. Within the FEULA summer school we will also concentrate on the cultural aspects of nationalism. Demands in the sphere of culture hardly pose a threat to the integrity of the state, its borders and basic political arrangements. If we understand multiculturalism as series of postulates and actions focused on particular issues within the political framework of a given state related to its cultural sphere, then we can easily relate it to our discussion of the cultural aspects of nationalism.


Migration and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU

Facilitators: Dace Akule, Linda Curika (PROVIDUS)

This workshop will focus on the complex phenomena of migration and integration of migrants in the EU, providing an overview of policies and migration processes in the EU since 1950s. It will also analyse in depth the experience of integration of Russian-speaking population in the Baltic countries. Different types of migrants (e.g. asylum seeker, labour migrant) and their integration needs will be discussed, as well as advantages and challenges linked to migration and integration from the national and European perspectives. The workshop will also tackle the link between migration and the development of migrants' home countries.


The Debt Crisis, EU and Eurozone Response to It and Scenarios for Their Future Development

Facilitators: David Král, Vladimír Bartovic (EUROPEUM)

This workshop will tackle the issue of the current developments in the Eurozone and the European Union in the light of the debt crisis which has hit many of the EU countries in the last two years. It will analyze the roots and consequences of the debt crisis and assess the response of the European Union and the Eurozone in terms of effectiveness on a short, medium and long run. Particular attention will be paid to the new instruments such as the Euro Plus Pact, the "sixpack" for the European economic governance, the Fiscal Compact, EFSF and ESM. It will also focus on the possible implications of the debt crisis on the future development of the EU as a whole, including discussing possible cleavages emerging, scenarios of multi-speed Europe and its consequences for cohesion and solidarity in the EU.


EU Enlargment

Facilitators: Philippe Perchoc, David Cadier (Nouvelle Europe)

This workshop will examine the current state and future prospects of EU's enlargement process. Several developments within and around the EU make of the enlargement issue both a salient topic and an indefinite dynamic. First, the economic crisis and its consequences are likely to nurture an inward-looking tendency among European societies - and thus among European policy-makers trying to get (re)elected. In other words, the 'enlargement fatigue' diagnosed in some Member states is likely to be further aggravated. It is combined with an 'accession fatigue' on the part of candidate countries going through this demanding and sometimes uncertain process. The clearest example coming to mind is obviously Turkey: over the recent years Ankara's EU enthusiasm has been inversely proportional to its weight on the regional scene. Will this conjoint tiredness lead the enlargement dynamic being put to sleep? Second, while enlargement is sliding away from the agenda, the neighborhood(s) has been replaced at the center of EU's foreign policy radar. The shockwave of the Arab revolts has shaken up the whole European Neighborhood Policy architecture and the EU has committed to assist and foster democratic reforms in its peripheries. This is particularly true for the Eastern neighborhood where democracy has been backsliding. Can the EU find means of fostering change at its borders beyond the enlargement policy?


EU As a Global Actor

Facilitators: Elina Viilup, Laia Mestres (CIDOB)

The aim of this workshop is to bring about a better understanding of the EU as a global actor in the context of the changing world where power is increasingly shifting towards Asia and the EU's own weight is dramatically declining. The workshop will tackle different aspects of the Union's international engagement (economic, political, security, development, democracy promotion, environment protection, institutional).


Democracy and governance in the EU

Facilitators: Jacek Kucharczyk, Agnieszka Lada (IPA)

Democracy in the European Union is going through a serious crisis. Citizens have many doubts regarding the future of Europe. Heads of states and governments as well as the European Parliament are working on important changes in the EU-system, but citizens do not always understand the decisions of this Institutions. Without a good communication strategy and involvement of the citizens in this process the mistrust towards the EU-institutions and the apathy towards the integration process among the citizens will grow.

The institution especially close to the EU-citizens should be the European Parliament as its members are the only directly elected representatives of the Europeans. The role of the European Parliament after the Lisbon Treaty grew. That is why Members of the European Parliament have a big responsibility to bring the current European debate closer to the citizens.

During our workshop the participants will have a closer look into the opinion polls studies concerning the understanding of the EU-democracy and democracy support in their countries and discuss the similarities and differences in their countries. They will also analyse the methods of communication that Members of the European Parliament can use, especially the online tools.

During the debate with the Members of the European Parliament we will discuss the challenges faced by them in their work in Strasburg and Brussels. The focus will be given to the changed role of the EP after the Lisbon Treaty and current steps taken to overcome the economic and democracy crisis.